1. Demonstrate scientific, educational, and religious attitudes and behaviors that improve the quality of life in society, nation, and state-based on academic norms and ethics based on Tri Hita Karana values.


  1. Mastering the concepts of education, informatics science, and informatics engineering education in general
  2. Mastering the learning theory and content of informatics engineering in depth, which includes the curriculum of informatics engineering, learning methodologies, media, and technology, as well as evaluation according to the characteristics of the material (content knowledge) of informatics
  3. Mastering research and development theory to improve the quality of informatics engineering education in schools.
  4. Able to establish professional and interpersonal relationships constructively and be responsible for solving problems of educators and learning, both individually and in group
  5. Able to communicate orally and in writing, and build productive interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships
  6. Able to plan their career (career and personal development).


  1. Able to integrate learning and innovation skills, mastery of technology and information, career development, and life skills to become lifelong learners.
  2. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking to develop or implement science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values following their field of expertise.


  1. Able to plan, implement, and evaluate/assess information technology learning by utilizing various science and ICT-based learning resources.
  2. Designing learning systems/models, producing learning media, utilizing learning media, controlling learning systems/models, and evaluating the application of informatics engineering learning systems/models.
  3. Applying, studying, designing, utilizing science and technology, and solving problems in informatics engineering education.