A communication forum for alumni, IKA or Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (the Alumni Family Association) whose members are all alumni of the Department within the Faculty. The members who are also the IKA family of the Undiksha Department whose are alumni from all faculties in Undiksha. Informal associations in each generation are very close, especially through various social media through the existing internet network.
Graduates or alumni are required to become members of the Undiksha alumni association (IKA) whose management personnel structure is determined based on the Undiksha Rector’s Decree. The activities carried out are donation of facilities, input for improving the learning process, and network development.
- Donation of Facilities
Alumni of the study programme under the Faculty are under the Undiksha Study Programme Alumni Association. Besides that, each alumnus has its own alumni association. Until now, the role given by the alumni association is related to the donation of facilities in the form of donations of books.
- Input for Improving the Learning Process
The alumni association provides input for improving the learning process, such as providing feedback on student assignments, the use of project-based learning, the use of interactive media, the use of adequate references, and the use of social media in the learning process. This input was obtained through distributing questionnaires to alumni.
- Network Development
The development of the alumni network is carried out by utilizing the existing IT facilities at UPT TIK (Technology, Information and Communication Unit of Technical Implementation) of Undiksha. Network development is aimed at tracing alumni. Through alumni associations. The study programme also develops networks, both in the context of research collaboration and service between study programmes and alumni, as well as the exchange of other important information. In addition, the study programme for the development of communication lines between alumni and study programmes is in the form of forming a WA group. This online communication platform (social media) is expected to be able to establish communication between Alumni and Study Programmes to share knowledge, curriculum development, learning strategies, research, and job vacancies.