- Bidikmisi Scholarship
- Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) Sholarship
- Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa (BBM) Scholarship
- Supersemar Scholarship
- Afirmasi Dikti (Adik) Papua Scholarship
- Other Scholarship
Bidikmisi is tuition assistance. Unlike scholarships that focus on providing awards or financial support to those who excel, Bidikmisi focuses on those with limited economic capacity (see the explanation of Article 76 of Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education). The Bidikmisi Scholarship is an education fee assistance from the Republic of Indonesia government through the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture. This scholarship is for prospective students who are economically disadvantaged and have the academic potential to study in higher education and the outstanding study programmes until graduating on time. This programme has been held since 2010. Tuition fee assistance is given since prospective students are declared accepted at the university for 8 semesters for Diploma IV and Bachelor Degree programmes, and 6 semesters for Diploma III programmes. This scholarship is in the form of exemption from all college tuition fees, both tuition fees, and monthly tuition fees. In addition, scholarship recipients also receive an allowance for their tuition fees which they will receive every 6 months. The purpose of holding the Bidikmisi Scholarship is 1)to increase access and learning opportunities in higher education for students who are economically disadvantaged and have good academic potential, and to provide tuition assistance to candidates/students who meet the criteria for pursuing a Diploma or Bachelor's programme until graduating, 2) to improve student achievement, both in the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular fields, 3)to give an impact on students and other prospective students to always improve achievement and be competitive, and 4) to produce graduates who are independent, productive and have social concerns, so that they can take efforts in breaking the chain of poverty and empowering the community. Meanwhile, the target of the Bidikmisi programme is graduates of SMA/SMK/MA/MAK (Senior High School/Vocational High School/ Islamic High School/Islamic Vocational High School) education units or other equivalent forms who are not economically capable but have good academic potential.
PPA or Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (Academic Achievement Improvement) Scholarship is a scholarship given to students who have the excellent academic ability or academic achievement as evidenced by the last GPA when registering. This PPA scholarship is sourced from the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education and is awarded to students who have a high academic achievement (GPA) but are economically disadvantaged, and are active in extra-curricular activities and other requirements set by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. PPA scholarships or tuition assistance are given to active students based on the current fiscal year period and are given for the first time for at least 6 months. Students are not entitled to receive if they have passed.
BBM or Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa (Student Study Assistance) scholarship is sourced from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. This scholarship is given to students whose economic ability is weak with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. The duration of the scholarship award is one year. Students receiving this scholarship must also meet the requirements to be active in student extra-curricular activities as well as other requirements determined by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
Supersemar scholarships are awarded by the Jakarta Supersemar Foundation to students who excel academically and are active in student extracurricular organizations. Scholarships are allocated every year, starting from April to March. The selection of scholarship recipients is carried out by the Management Team of Supersemar Scholarship in Undiksha under the coordination of the Vice Chancellor III.
The ADik Papua Scholarship is a programme that favors indigenous Papuan youth from Papua and West Papua Provinces by providing opportunities to study at state universities organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture through a special selection mechanism for high school students equivalent, based on academic achievement screening. Areas that are targeted for implementation in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua Provinces include; Regencies/Cities that have an equivalent high school and meet the requirements as participants in the ADik Papua programme, as regulated by law.
Other scholarships that have been offered and received by Undiksha students are BKM or Bantuan Biaya Pendidikan (Tuition Fee Assistance), BMU or Beasiswa Masuk Universitas (University Entrance Scholarships), First Year Scholarships for new students, Scholarships from Bank Indonesia, scholarships from Bank BRI, scholarships from Bank BNI, scholarships from the Regional Government of Bali (Department of Education, Youth, and Sports, Scholarship from the Chancellor of Undiksha, scholarships from the Regional Government of Jembrana).