The UNDIKSHA GEMASTIK Team again made achievements in the 2019 GEMASTIK XII Competition. The achievements this time came from the GANESHA_GAME01 and GANESHA_GAME02 teams. The GANESHA_GAME02 team won 1st place in the Game Development Division with a game product entitled “Bali Lontar Thematic Educational Game”. Meanwhile, the GANESHA_GAME01 team won 1st place in the Game Development Division with a game product entitled “Legend of Cendrawasih”.
The GANESHA_GAME02 team consists of 3 students, on behalf of Kadek Teguh Yogi Aditya (1515051020), Kadek Wawan Cahyadi (1815091062) and Ayu Dyah Pradnya Paramitha (1615051103). The GANESHA_GAME01 team consists of I Putu Kusuma Putra (1515051098), Made Agus Panji Sujaya (1715051113), and Kadek Marta Werdaya (1715051131). Based on the medals, the GEMASTIK Team succeeded in bringing Undiksha to rank 6 in GEMASTIK XII in 2019.